Meat is chemically composed of major components such as water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and many other small components such as vitamins, enzymes, pigments, and flavours ( Ramalingam, Song, & Hwang, 2019 ). endstream
Most common food-poisoning bacteria can grow from 0C up to 54C; however, their range of rapid growth is from 27C to 54C. a shipment or part of a shipment of boneless manufacturing meat derived from a single species going to a single destination; or. . %PDF-1.6
records demonstrating compliance with all of the above listed requirements must be stored at the establishment for at least one year for each lot of product which is crust frozen. Meat pieces obtained during deboning and which do not meet any meat cut labelling specification. Special attention must be paid to the list of ingredients of the resulting meat product; all ingredients added either directly or by the means of a rework product must be accurately declared in the ingredients list of the resulting meat product. "Curing" means, in respect of an edible meat product, that salt together with at least 100 parts per million (ppm) and not more than 200ppm of sodium nitrite, potassium nitrite, sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate or any combination thereof, was added to the meat product during its preparation. Storage conditions must in accordance with Chapter 3 of this manual. Home. Article B.01.006 of the Food and Drug Regulations requires that the common name of the food be shown on the principal display panel, therefore if re-packaged, heated NRTE meat products will have to display the appropriate NRTE qualifiers. composition, for certain meat and poultry products. In the case of protein the results must be rounded to the nearest 0.1% (i.e. A carcass re-inspection station located prior to cutting and/or boning is required for red meat and must be equipped as per MOP Chapter 3, section 3.4.12, Check Trim Station. When using or preparing casings, the following requirements must be met: Potential hazards associated with emulsification include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials, temperature abuse during production, and metal particles from the equipment. Meat products which have been frozen and thawed for sale in a refrigerated state must be labelled in accordance with article B.01.080 of the Food and Drug Regulations as "previously frozen". salted, pickled, dried, cured, smoked or treated by other similar means, but does not include refrigerated or frozen. For information on the use of antimicrobial interventions in ready-to-eat meat products, see Chapter 4, Annex H, Section 3.1, Antimicrobial agents and post-lethality procedures. If the smoking process results in the production of ready-to-eat meat products, all additional requirements applicable to cooked products are to be met. Additional explanation on nitrate/nitrite and phosphate calculations for formulated products is provided in Annex C of this chapter. It is the operator's responsibility to develop and implement Control Programs that meet the requirements outlined in this section. A sweet dish uses the lungs, spleen, large intestine, esophagus, and rice fried (Membar) in oil (Egypt, Syria, and Turkey). The operator is required to use one of the five (5) options outlined in this section when manufacturing a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage product: Establishments which do not use beef and do not obtain meat ingredients from establishments which handle beef are not currently required to use one of the five options for the control of E.coliO157:H7 in dry/semi-dry fermented sausages. Should the operator elect to use alternate sampling plans, methods and/or criteria, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they are at least equivalent with Annex F, Part 1. Operators must provide evidence that the packaging material used is appropriate to undergo high pressure processing treatment. If the lot is rejected: After reconditioning, re-inspect the rejected lot using the next, higher sampling plan and double the frequency of monitoring for the rest of the production shift. Concerning the acceptability of packaging material to high pressure processing, packaging material companies should send their requests to the CFIA's Food Safety Risk Analysis. Ground or emulsified trimmings may be injected in a quantity of up to 15% of the fresh weight at the time of formulation without having to be declared on the label. When using skinless MSM in the formulation of a meat product, up to 8% of skin from the named species is permitted under the MIR Schedule I. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. The operator must ensure that the monitoring limits used in their manufacturing process are adjusted by at least the amount of degrees or time specified by the equipment manufacturer as the acceptable measurement error. A notice in the Federal Register about last minute modifications that impact a previously announced advisory committee meeting cannot always be published quickly enough to provide timely notice. In this case, the final product is in a form that is not edible without additional . The operator must control the risk of cross contamination from non cleaned containers. Assure that all boneless meat produced under the program is capable of passing the lot inspection/examination program previously described using the designated sampling plans and defect criteria. National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Research Report Number 11-316, Chicago, Illinois, 1996. With traditional aging, however, temperature and humidity abuse can result in mould growth, and spoilage bacterial growth, both of which can be indicators of possible pathogenic bacterial outgrowth. Operators of registered establishments who wish to market a meat product without a refrigeration declaration which does not meet the "shelf stable" criteria set out above, must submit a request for the acceptance of their proposal to the Inspector in Charge. spores to dangerous levels during the interval following cooking. The submission must be accompanied by detailed recipe, formulation and processing information for the product. Non-meat ingredients: Large numbers of non-meat ingredients are required for providing taste and improving quality. Where this chapter of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures uses the terminology "where necessary", "where appropriate", "adequate", or "sufficient", it is up to the operator of a registered establishment in first instance to decide whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate, or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. Temperature and humidity should be uniform throughout the fermentation room. STEP 3: FULLY COOKED (page 2 of 3) YES = FULLY COOKED MEAT + NONMEAT MULTICOMPONENT PRODUCT NO 3E. The mandatory outcome of refrigeration is to retarding outgrowth of pathogens and spoilage bacteria. Pickling, the addition of an acidulant such as acetic acid or citric acid, lowers the pH value of the meat product. The number of defects in the first and second sample must be totalled. The operator is required to implement a microbiological testing program for E.coli0157 and Salmonella as a verification procedure for their process. For each lot, the operator must take 30 samples of finished product and submit them for analysis. hx\9t&cMS[Jr!w)pw)@HOlw).Er)
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fq2`2 Qm@C-;0#x{k1>rp]c. the amount of free or available water in a meat product. . In normal conditions, Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins are not produced below aw 0.86, although in vacuum packed products this is unlikely below aw 0.89. Unless MSM or FTM is used directly after the separation process as an ingredient of a meat product, it must be: MSM may be shipped from one registered establishment to another in the refrigerated, refrigerated and cured or frozen state. Meat products packed in salt or saturated salt solution are considered shelf stable. The meat industry is typically using a mixture of fresh and frozen meat batters for minced meat production. Meat emulsions include products like bologna, frankfurters, sausages, liver sausages, and meat loaf. Non-comminuted & Indigenous meat products and there processing is discussed briefly rllKJ3SJ
jS#V? U? In order to be released, all tests must be negative for the presence of. There are no mandatory labelling requirements associated with the use of high pressure processing. To ensure that all of the requirements corresponding to the selected option are met, and to suitably demonstrate this, operators of registered establishments who manufacture a dry/semi-dry fermented sausage are required to complete a copy of Annex K "Option used for the control of E.coliO157:H7 in dry and semi-dry fermented sausage" for each different product and attach all the required information. (b) the procedures to ensure compliance with the performance requirements set out in the Manual of Procedures. products use small meat pieces, chunks, chips or slices. hAO05R8lH
JdYmRMtP cXzlDg!C=Z`H^@b)Py{)``]S3:]RJ fewer than 665 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is less than 33, fewer than 555 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is between 33 and 37, fewer than 500 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is greater than 37, If the bacteriological evaluation proves that there are fewer than 10. establishments which use beef as an ingredient in a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage; establishments which store or handle uncooked beef on site; establishments which obtain raw meat from a supplying establishment which stores or handles uncooked beef on site. In respect of food or other materials, products that are capable of existing together in the same area, at the same time without creating a risk of adulterating meat products. Thus, it is very important to cool product effectively but it is even more important to cool it quickly through this rapid growth range to prevent the outgrowth of heat shocked pathogen spores including the Clostridium species. Therefore, total number of samples for microbiological analysis: Time zero (0) = 2 After fermentation = 0 During drying = 0 End drying = 2 Total = 4 Number of replicates x 3 Total samples = 12. includes hams, bacons, corned beef commonly referred to as smoked meats; they are prepared from whole, intact cuts of meat; usually are cured, seasoned, heat processed and smoked; often they are molded or formed; 2. Shipping containers with a lid qualifying for direct food contact must be of sufficient strength to support the weight of the ones above. If the number of defects found is between 1 and 4, a second sample of 20 units must be evaluated. The supporting documentation and evaluation must be kept in file by the CFIA. This plan is used when the equipment is first installed, when major components are replaced (e.g. immediately placed in a freezer and frozen within 48 hours of boning. The restructuring technology of meat originated in the 1960s. The present disclosure generally relates to high protein puffed snack products including vegetable protein materials and a non-vegetable protein materials and processes for making high protein puffed snack products. Approximate minimum levels of aw (if considered alone) for the growth of: parasites: Trichinella spiralis will survive at an aw of 0.93 but is destroyed at an aw of 0.85 or less. Acceptably constructed combo bins may be used for storage and transportation of refrigerated or frozen meat products. The operator must implement a program for the control of aging and tenderizing processes. for the purposes of this chapter, includes the examination of a product or sample from a shipment or other collection of products, or, in respect of a process, the verification or monitoring of the process. provide instructions to achieve a 6.5D or 7.0D reduction in Salmonellaspp.). Mincing fat and meat together, so as to make large to moderate to large proportions of fat less obtrusive ; Comminuted lean meat binds the whole mixture together especially in the presence of salt. The operator must make a request for the evaluation of the alternative manufacturing process to the Meat Programs Division and the Food Safety Division. The examination program must be capable of achieving the following results: Prior to approval by the Inspector in Charge, the effectiveness of the program must be evaluated using lot examination to assure that on-line examination achieves equivalent or better results than lot examination. For all fermented meat products, in order to minimize the danger of outgrowth of Clostridium botulinum spores and development of the botulinal toxin in fermented product, nitrite/nitrate shall be added at a minimum level of 100ppm along with a minimum of 2.5% of salt. Degrees above 15.6C: 26C - 15.6C = 10.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 55 Degree-hours calculation: (10.4C) x (55) = 572 degree-hours. 998 0 obj
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For each lot, the operator must take 15 samples of raw batter and submit them for analysis. The manufacturing process used must be evaluated in a scientific manner consistent with the challenge study recommendations (refer to Option 5, sub-section If the number of defects found is equal to or less than 1, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. An establishment must use option 3 if option 1, 2, 4 or 5 are not used. Unstandardized foods must meet also meet regulatory requirements under the FDR and MIR, such as those for minimum protein requirements. Review of the cooking process and product formulation must also be done. This also includes gases used in modified atmosphere packaging. 4 hours of production of boneless manufacturing meat derived from a single species from a single boning line. Only pieces which have naturally adhering skin can be used to make MSM; detached skin or pieces which have loose skin flaps cannot be used. Chilling begins immediately after the cooking cycle is completed and according to section 4.5 of this chapter. It includes minced meat (pork, poultry, or other food animals) marketed as fresh, cooked, fermented, or smoked. Is the product a comminuted product other than sausage/sausage link (e.g., patty or meatball) or a breaded or unbreaded molded product (e.g., nugget)? The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. a point in a process at which control is to be applied in order to prevent or eliminate a hazard or reduce a hazard to an acceptable level, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. the minimum or maximum value to which a hazard must be controlled at a critical control point to prevent or eliminate the hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. in respect of an edible meat product, that salt together with at least 100 parts per million (ppm), but not more than 200ppm, of sodium nitrite, potassium nitrite, sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate, or any combination thereof, except in the case of side bacon, where the maximum is 120ppm, calculated prior to any smoking, cooking or fermentation. The pressure is released and the treated containers are packed and ready for shipping. The artificial edible casing does not have to be declared on the label of the product. See Annex H for mandatory requirements for Listeriaspp. an edible meat product which has a pH value above 4.6 and a water activity above 0.85, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. the edible part of a carcass that is the muscle associated with the skeleton, tongue, diaphragm, heart, gizzard or mammalian oesophagus, with or without accompanying and overlying fat, together with those parts of the bones, skin, sinews, nerves, blood vessels and other tissues that normally accompany the muscle and are not ordinarily removed in dressing a carcass, but does not include the muscle associated with the lips, snout, scalp or ears, mechanically separated meat or meat to which an ingredient other than meat has been added, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. edible blood, an edible organ or edible tissue that was derived from the carcass of a food animal, but does not include meat or mechanically separated meat, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. includes a carcass, the blood of an animal or a product or by-product of a carcass, or any product containing blood, a product of by-product of an animal, as defined by the Meat Inspection Act. Facilities for the removal of bones and trimmings must be provided. A cooling schedule must be developed and filed for every type of heat processed product. The existing reference listing will continue to be accessible on the CFIA website but will no longer be updated. Smokehouses must be adequately vented. Degree-hours are calculated for each temperature used in the process. For more information see Chapter 7. The operator's control program must include the conditions of storage of the emulsified suspension. One defect is defined as a carcass or unit with kidney (when not acceptable) and/or lung. Upon arrival of the raw material at the establishment or prior to the processing of the material, the operator must perform a random selection of 20 carcasses or 20 units per combo or a lot of similar size. 1260-1266. a meat product that has been subjected to a lethality process sufficient to inactivate vegetative pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and control spores of foodborne pathogenic bacteria so that the meat product does not require further preparation before consumption except washing, thawing or exposing the product to sufficient heat to warm the product without cooking it, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. the ingredients of the meat product and the components of the ingredients, including food additives, and the proportions of those ingredients and components. Only product packaged in sealed bags may be shipped in these shipping containers without lids. Under this option, it is not required to test for E.coliO157:H7. Annex I: This Annex has been incorporated into Annex H. (c) the meat product conforms to the applicable standards prescribed by these Regulations and the Food and Drug Regulations. * PSI: Pounds per square inch ** MPa: Megapascal. The corresponding degree-hours limit (between 33 and 37C) is 555degree-hours. Select a 10 unit sample at random and examine for the presence of skin. means an inner or outer receptacle or covering used or to be used in connection with a meat product, as defined by the Meat Inspection Act. hbbd``b`OAD`$4^WR ne"j@zopGL@?0 mpS
Microbial testing alone is not sufficient for this purpose. For example, for "other comminuted", collect fresh raw sausage and fresh raw patties. The definition of lot for the purposes of sampling must be statistically sound and must correspond to product manufactured under the same conditions. Upon completion of a successful evaluation, the operator must be provided in writing stating that the CFIA has evaluated the process for its ability to control E.coliO157:H7 and that it does not object to the operator using the process. Packaging materials used for this purpose must be specifically designed to withstand the pasteurization process. Degree-hours are the product of time as measured in hours at a particular temperature multiplied by the "degrees" measured in excess of 15.6C (the critical temperature for growth of Staphylococcus aureus). The operator must have deviation procedures for product which does not meet the standards outlined in 4.3.3. If kept hot, cooked meat products should always be kept at 60C or above. In order to be considered "shelf-stable" and not require refrigeration, a fermented meat product must have a minimum of 100ppm nitrite/nitrate, a minimum of 2.5% of salt, meet degree hours requirements ( and meet one of the following sets of specific requirements. . This includes the use of cans, glass jars, retortable pouches or other containers. Subsequently, it has been. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. lungs must be removed from all poultry carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation; poultry carcasses dressed with kidneys may be used for. Alternative temperature control measures must provide the same or better outcome. It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all the ingredients and components of the rework material are permitted in the meat product to which they are added. For the purposes of this section a lot is whichever is the lesser of: Evaluation technique of CFIA inspectors, in which samples are taken from the assembled "lot" of product to determine its wholesomeness. Fermented products which do not meet these requirements must be labelled with a refrigeration statement. Recording thermometers must be present and properly functioning. Rapid chilling methods which temporarily freeze a thin outer layer of skin and muscle (usually 3 to 4mm thick) may be allowed under the following conditions: The operators must have procedures for control of environmental sources of contamination of meat product, including disposition of meat that has fallen on the floor, risk of contamination from condensation and storage of equipment. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. Manufacturing processes used to make fermented sausages are only considered effective against E.coliO157:H7 if it is shown that they achieve a 5D reduction, or more, of E.coliO157:H7. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. Environmental and product samples in ready-to-eat products are required. Examples of how to use the calculation method for constant temperature processes: Fermentation room temperature is a constant 26C. Depending upon the final use of the communited meat the degree of comminution is done which differs among various processed products and is often a unique characteristic of a particular product ranging from very coarsely comminuted (to produce non-emulsified sausages like salamis and summer sausages), to finely comminuted, (to produce . for the purposes of this chapter, in respect of a meat product intended for sale, use or consumption as an edible meat product in Canada, means containing an ingredient, food additive, poison, decomposed substance, visible contamination, any pathogenic microorganisms that are injurious to health or failing to meet the standards set out in Part I, Standards and Identification of Edible Meat Products of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. foods that contain as ingredients foods from more than one food commodity. The instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of measurement devices and instruments must be included in the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. Computer modeling may be used to evaluate the safety of the product. Please refer to Chapter 3.6, Pre-requisite Programs for the requirements for acceptable packaging materials and non-food chemical products. Oxidative rancidity and other organoleptic quality issues can occur if freezing rates are slow. Liners must be used when packaging exposed meat products into unwaxed cardboard containers. The lowering of the water activity may also be accomplished by the addition of sugars or salt. The minimum sampling size and schedule per boning line should be 15kg for each 30minutes of production (random time sampling twice hourly). Division and the food Safety Division out in the production of ready-to-eat meat products * MPa: Megapascal or.. 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