L E BARBOUR LUMBER Davidson Mons wf Orrie A r 602 s C Olmstead Benson G wf Myrtle r 214 s Blaine Suttle Agnes waiter Ward Hotel r same THOS. Phone 69 115 N. Wash. Ave Whittaker Chas E lab r Maple cor Ash 178 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. KANSAS. 115; Residence, No. Carpenter James W relief agt Santa Fe Griffith C C Belle Plaine l.Pal Amberg Danl wf Annie L carp B & B Santa Fe r 1210 s Jefferson Telephones 88 and 39. Bruton Golden Perth.Jk Nease W T Belle Plaine 2.B P Ellis Andrew W wf Janie D brake Santa Fe r 606 s Washn 164 105 Cashler. LOVINGFOSS BROS 208 n Washn tel 387 J. E. KRAMER A. M. McCONKEY M. R. McLEAN McCray John B wf Mattie piano tuner r 525 s Olive Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes, ing monthly cost for $500.00: 1 163 man, 2d dist. Scow Ina A Mrs (Whealy & Scow) r 216 s B Phone 500, BUBSCOUGH & DAVIS, Proprietors, Res. Fry E Peck.B P LONG-BELL LUMBER CO., LUMBER DEALERS Phone 104. SULLIVAN CHAS T wf Minnie F buyer Wellington Whol Grocery Co b Arlington Hotel CARPETS AND RUGS PARK THE TAILOR 112 s Washn tel 232 Runion Andrew J millwright rms 212 s C Your business solicited. Deimer H W Henderson J W FIFTH WARD SCHOOL from Jefferson to F from Kansas to Sumner Mollie C Wilson prin Coffman D F Milton.Ed Cooper I W Caldwell.Cald Dailey S C Peck.Lon Colyar Raymond R printer The Journal r 805 s C Rutherford Helen M r 124 n F HAVENS CHAS R wf Mabel K editor and propr The Wellington Journal and The Peoples Voice r 310 s Jefferson First Congregational Church Harvey nw cor Jefferson Rev J W Burket pastor Schwinn Mary K r 323 n Washn J. GARLAND, President. Pontius C L Sayers D N REBEKAHS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Burden J E Conway Spgs 1 111 George N E Wellington l.Har Surplus Fund $25,000. 324 s G McCook Johanna wid Bryant r 1317 e Lincoln Carrier No. Farming Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Headers, WELLINGTON, KANSAS Harris C W McWarirt J T Evans Elmer Milan.Ry A. BOYCE, Mgr. Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, Mill Feed. Stanz Della dom 1005 s Washn ALL KINDS OF GOOD COAL, LIME AND CEMENT 104 S. Washington. ESTABLISHED MAY 20, 1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, KANSAS (Dixon Township.) L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK ROGERS IVAN D 113 1/2 e Harvey tel 82 Chamberlain Henry Portland.Val W. Robinson, Prest. Johnston Edw M Caldwell.Cald Edwards David J wf Loretta O lab r 424 w Lincoln building material Phone 104. BAILEY maker of portraits. Lovci John Caldwell 3.Bl MACY L P Baxter H Belle Plaine.Har Stephens James Bennett O L For example: Storage of inoperable motor vehicles, large household items, automobile parts, junk metal or accumulated rubbish is prohibited. Winger James E mess W U Tel Co r 524 n B Bowers John H C wf Lucy M r 701 n Olive Hatfield Harry E clk Simpson & Hygh r 804 s Jefferson Eshelman Andy Caldwell.Falls KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Monley R Leo student r 413 e 3d There are about twenty-five fraternal orders represented here. Gaddie S C Wellington 3.SU HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Marshall Thos carp r 623 w 4th Manufacturers and Dealers in Bowen Thos W carp r 622 n C P. Hangen, Cashier EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Mullinax J P HunnewellS H Travis Jacob Caldwell .Falls Tyson W Hunnewell.S Ii Tooley Estelle P r 616 n C Watson J C Conway Spgs.Ed Werthington A V Milan.Ch Wells E Y South Haven..S H White C E South Haven.S H Larue Virgil Wellington 6.Gr SARGENT THOS P wf Carrie mgr Wellington Plumbing Co r 306 e Harvey Bell James Milton.Ed Blankenship C Belle Plaine.Har Showalter Meta C stenog div supt Santa Ft r 607 s Jefferson Niehuss F H South Haven.S H PostmasterRobt. McCook Chas M oiler Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 1317 e Lincoln We also handle all grades of Coal House Wm Belle Plaine 1.B P 122 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. WELLINGTON, KANSAS Pierce J W Ryland B W C. City Harris J L Oxford.Ox PROFS. Carrington Roy S clk LICHIY BROS r 210 n B J. GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. Dixon Bertha (c) r 1224 s Jefferson Donley C W Wellington 6.Gr Showalter J T 607 s Jefferson Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries RURAL CARRIERS. Gapin John Wellington l.Har 114 W. HARVEY AVE. MILLER PERRY E 104 s Washn tel 153 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Morris Wm Riverdale.76 Steele Belle A r 713 s C Kendrick Frank Ashton.Ge Hill E A Mayfield 1.0s Allen E W Caldwell.Cald ORDER EASTERN STAR. ALL KINDS OF GOOD COAL, LIME AND CEMENT Mynes H S Ashton.Wal Peddicord A H Willey J D Meets first Monday eve of each month. 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas Greenmail D Caldwell.Cald Alloway L F Wellington.Lon 143 377 Bone Arthur wf Jennie r Blaine nw cor 21st Your business solicited. TEL. Haley Wm Ostrander W J Wolf Louis Peck.Lon Wright A S Oxford Ox Begley Nicholas mach Smith Implt Co r 600 e 4th Brashear W Perth.Do Eiklar A C Portland 1.G r Vandaveer Fred J caller Santa Fe r 823 s C Sumner County High SchoolOlive bet. PHYSICIANS Phone 173. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Barlow Frank T clk Santa Fe r 816 n A Veach J B Wellington.Av Walker J Perth.Do SixthCherry st. Lawler D E Riverdale.76 CATONS MARBLE WORKS Hainsworth Hazel laundress Wellington Stm Ldry r 319 e Harvey sind French Paulina L wid Orlando r 1010 w Harvey LICHTY BROS (Stewart & H M Lichty) dry goods notions mens furnishings shoes groceries hardware house furnishings etc 112-114-116 Washn tel 48 Vicek Anton Caldwell.Cald Walker J M Milan.Ry Spaulding J R Peck.Lon Stayton F C Milan.Ry Bessie W. Rutherford. P, KANGEN, Cashier. First Baptist ChurchJefferson, nw cor. McConathy Clara E dressmkr Mrs A A Sides r 612 e 4th Shattuck Henry Turner R C Martin Bercilous C clk John Roth r 223 s Washn Su..Sumner Twp. HOFFMAN LEE H wf Bertha C foreman The Daily Mail r 302 w 12th Nyce J W Richardson H E SONDERUP G D 115 e Harvey tel 385 Wagerle Henry wf Dora boilermkr Santa Fe r 816 e Lincoln Crider Ethel M (Havens & Crider) r 1005 s F 496. Neal J T Caldwell.Falls Haley J C Howe Henry W Forsyth J Sylvia wf Lillie M clk div supt Santa Fe r 316 n B SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. Garver C J 111 e Harvey Gilmore F H 106 e Harvey 117 The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas Davis J W Geuda Spgs l.Wal Marshall W D Hunnewell.S H Mayer W L Conway Spgs.Spg Miller S W Wellington.Jk Burton Thos Geuda Spgs.Val Halstead Eugene H carp r 919 n C Halstead Marion r 916 w Harvey Carter Spencer B wf Sarah J r 703 n A It also has a street and avenue map of Wellington. Superintendent of InsuranceC. 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. 118 1=2 N. Washington Ave. : : : : Wellington, Kansas RUSH, livery, Farmers Phone 38. McKinney DC Williamson W E Hobson Geo Conway Spgs l.Su Teachers Nettie Driver, Della Knowles, Ella Havens, Georgia F. Stipp, Effie P. Shofner, Minnie M. Devaney, Jennie Rosecrans. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wall Blocks for Houses and Business Buildings Allyn L E Conway Spgs.Con Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. Steele & Spindel 218 s Washn Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas BENJ F. SPARR CLOTHING, Cruse Fritz car rep Santa Fe b 1224 e Harvey 164 OFFICE IN LUENING BLOCK RURAL PHONE NO 53 Your Business Solicited We do a General Real Estate Business. WELLINGTON MILLING & ELEVATOR CO Helbert James Mulvane.Go Clark Wm South Haven.S H Coin Oscar Oxford.Val Corban Geo Anson.Su Prairie Lawn CemeteryEast end Harvey av. Shortridge John Milton.Ed Curry S M Geuda Spgs 2.Wal SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Callahan Chas P wf Lida sec foreman CRI & PRR r 107 n Olive H. Mason, Belle Plaine; John Roger, Belle Plaine; Rex Hazzard, Belle Plaine. JACOB ENGLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Clewell G P Belle Plaine 1.B P HENRY F SMITH, Vice-President. Teal Sherman (c) wf Eva G barber 123 s Washn r 511 s G Johnston J R Reichelderfer O W THOMPSON & HARPER TRANSFER COMPANIES Hatfield Moses Jinkins O B Skaggs R C Wellington.Jk DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat Carson J S South Haven.Ge Nelson J R Belle Plaine 3.Har HE WAS SOLICITED Johnson C D Springer E W Miller D O Oxford.Ox Har Lawless J Richards G E B. BOORY JOHN F wf Elsie county treasurer Court House tel 277 r Friend Geo Cicero.Har Brian W E Geuda Spgs.Val Siroky John Geuda Spgs.Val KANSAS. 104 W. 7th WELLINGTON CEMENT STONE CO 204 e Harvey Rea Clyde A wf Adah M sales J R Sparr r 416 n B CITY LIVERY & FEED BARN 301-303 n Washn tel 396 RUSH, LIVERY, Ballard James E (c) wf Lucy porter Santa Fe r 315 s Jefferson Lambe A C & Son (A C & W J Lambe) proprs City Feed Mills Harvey ne cor C Engelhardt L W Jackman P N Capital stock $50.000. Fuss E PerthDo Powers J CITY OF CALDWELL, KAS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $65,000 Anderson L J WelIington.Lon Florey A E Peck.Lon Oglesby H B Mayfield Crow Quit Conway Spgs.Con Phone 104. Chapman R A Ashton.Ge Please be a good neighbor pick up and properly dispose of your pets waste. Washburn C R Drury.Falls Wentworth C Ashton.Wal Burford W E Belle Plaine.Har Harnish Chas McIlheinny R A Galyean John Milan.Ry 164 Whittenberg G L Butts George HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. Capital stock $50,000.00, A general banking business transacted. M. H. Kirk, mgr. Davis Jno A Milan.Ry A. Walton Land Investment Co. Crawford James C wf Lou section hnd C R I & P r 523 w 4tH Wasson Clias H r 618 n C Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators Exchanges a Specialty. ROCK ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn M T Turner propr We also Handle all grades of Coal Allen W E Cordell L N Wellington, Kansas. Gile H J South Haven.S H McCann Wm L wf Edna V foreman Santa Fe r 1024 s Washn Riner Perry O wf Abbie M r 1224 s Washn PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. FOR 1907- 1908 We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business M. T. Turner, Prop. P, HANGEN, Gashier. Syfert Weaver Ashton.Wal Thompson C B Conway Spgs.Con Crick G B Ashton.Wal Moody Jas Belle Plaine 1.B P Maddox John H wf Ardelia A retd r 809 e Lincoln KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. DEALERS IN Goodell J C Bushnell J Gwynn Harry 109 e Harvey Jackson John Wellington.Av POP AND SUMMER DRINKS. CROUSE Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting Lohr Geo 107 s Washn Chapman Daisy F student r 1029 e Harvey Carothers Chas B wf Flora E trucker Santa Fe frt depot r 402 c Lincoln Corner DRUG Store Wright Mabel E tel opr Mo & Kas Tel Co 304 s Jefferson Miller Lloyd M carp r 1001 s Jefferson MILLER PERRY E wf Birdie F jeweler and optician 104 s Washn tel 153 r 801 n Washn Sumner County is located in south-central Kansas and, in 2003, was designated within the greater Wichita Metropolitan Service Area. Behimer R H Portland.Ge Phone 173. R. Owen, sec. Lindsey J H Conway Spgs.Con Ate Emiline wid Leonard r Plum ne cor 13th POOL & BILLIARDS Adams Andrew C wf Zilpha engr Santa Fe r 1120 e Harvey GLAMANN BROS G se cor 1st tel 165 Hatfield L A Belle Plaine.Pal PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Dickson J W Conway Spgs.Spg Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes, Chapman Lida A wid John W r 1029 e Harvey Smith Oliver T wf Minnie F brake Santa Fe r 1010 s Jefferson Hurst Martha J clk Jacob Engle r 423 s F June Chas Udall.Go Christie W L Conway Spgs.Spg Manufacturers of NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Perry Abe Snavely Sherman Harrelson Beulah L tchr r 512 n F Hutchinson J W Mulvane.Go White Ruel Ashton.Wal Williams C O Corbin.Falls Martin L F Belle Plaine 1B P Meers J W Milan.Ry Hull A E Perth.Jk EAGLES. Chaney W E Caldwell.Falls Wagner Anna C Mrs mgr Lanier Frank Belle Plaine.Pal of Wellington, conducts a Savings Department. GLAMANN BROS G se cor 1st tel 165 farmers phone 22 J. F. THOMPSON W. A. HARPER Porter Marion M wid Jeremiah W r 412 n F McManis Monta M student r 629 s F C Hardy Sam South Haven.Ge Simms Cordelia A tchr r 214 s Jefferson FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SON Robinson Gladys L student r 715 w 8th Forbes C E Welington.Well Hackney Howard H (Hackney Bros) r 124 n B Pifer Frank C wf Martha S retd r 118 s Jefferson 104 W. 7th Reed Ora tinner Watkins & Son r 507 1/2 s F Wellington 217 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. Res. T Thompson Edward Conway Spgs 5Spg March 01, 2023 6:30 AM. W. A. CARRINGTON Walton Margaret F millinery Mollie M Davis rms 116 n F Hooper Clyde Conway Spgs.Spg Bringer A Conway Spgs.Cr HealthFelt, Gelino and Sargent. Wellington, Kans. Purcell Henry T Rev wf Nancy J r 623 w 3d CITY BUILDING Harvey nw cor C REAL ESTATE LAWYERS Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. Clinard S F Wellington 6.Gr Watters P M Southwick M E Milan.Ry Staley W M Argonia.Spg Burgher Henry Ashton.Wal Hitchcock C W Belle Plaine BP Gilbert W B Lemon H Faukboner J S Caldwell.Cald 98 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Lane R W Milton.Ed Daniels Geo Belle Plaine.Pal PREWITTS WELLINGTON. BENJ F SPARR CLOTHING, Hangen J Wellington.Jk KANSAS. LINCOLN MOSBY, building La Force Beeler Peck.Lon Myers Nellie waiter Santa Fe Eating House rms 501 s Jefferson Brinkley, Peck; Lee McCafferty, Clearwater. Soika Chas Corbin.Ch Spradling B F South Haven.Ge Crabill J L Conway Spgs.Con Lenker W P Wellington.Av Jones Samuel L Wellington 6.Gr WELLINGTON, KANSAS NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Shinn T B Conway Spgs 2.Ill The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas Stonehocker J H Caldwell.Falls Sturm J T Caldwell.Falls Webster L L & Co 2d floor Security Bank bldg Roddy Geo printer The Daily Mail rms 203 n Washn Thew F H Oxford.Ox Tickner P L Wellington.Well Pure Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Derrington W T Bid well C Adams J W Anson.Su Henzel Jno Jr Hunnewell.Ge Sease Harry Chapman J W Whitten Frank Rome.Jk Williams H H Hunnewell.Ge Case Dovie B Mrs boarding house 314 s Washn Ross Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 w Lincoln Beam Lawrence Wellington.Well Bidwell B Mulvane.Go Blue J Q Ashton.Wal Cashier Sargent Mary E wid Thos J r 306 e Harvey . Carnes Wm H wf Carrie D r 509 s Blaine HUNTER MILLING CO THE F cor Walnut phone 50 Geo H Hunter pres & mgr (private phone 46) W T Voils vpres C W Hunter sec Geo H Hunter jr asst sec Frank B Hunter treas R K Engle auditor TEL. Go.Gore Twp. PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY 55 Butcher Jay S Caldwell.Cald CITY DIRECTORY. We offer the services of this bank to those contemplating opening of a bank accountour patrons, irrespective of the size of their accounts, will receive careful and considerate attention. J. P. Hangen, Cashier. Com. McCammon Mary B wid John W r 709 w 3d ROYAL NEIGHBORS. GUYER & COLLINS Wellington, Kans. B. P.Belle Plaine Twp. 13 What's New & FAQs. 11 Bowdre S Belle Plaine 1.B P Sheridan Wm Vealey H B Riner Walter C r 1224 s Washn Rogers Fred wf Laura C car carp Santa Fe r 424 n Jefferson Harrelson James F wf Julia live stk 313 e Lincoln r 512 n F Lupton R W Wellington 3.Su Shifflet Bert L wf Claudie barber T C McIntyre r 316 n Main Wellington Plumbing Co. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO 7th ne cor Jefferson tel 20 The Local Rules adopted by the Court en banc of this Municipal division and set out in Supreme Court Rule 37, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Rule 69, and Chapter 479 RSMo are below. CHENOWETH & WINGER Streets and AlleysKnowles, Hackney and Russell. Sellers, Jeweler and Optician 118 1=2 N. Washington Ave. Wellington, Kansas Johnston E E Caldwell.Falls EYES TESTED FREE. Osborn B F Peck,Lon Our line of ART GOODS is complete 211 S. Washington Av. Neer J D Argonia.Dix We Solicit Tour patronage, Offering You Our Excellent Facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business 43 Security Bank Building. Over Security State Bank: Wellington, Kansas Botkin Simon Wellington 3.Su CONSTABLES And we issue drafts payable in all parts of the world. Fogg Arnold lab b 910 n Jefferson 380 Wellington, Kansas Popplewell John Rome.Jk Prickett C F Caldwell.Falls DRUGGISTS LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Riggs Timothy wf Josephine live stock r 323 e 8th Nugent R F KAS. Hastie John K wf Sarah A r 415 s Blaine Exchange a Specially. Loung Lawrence Peck.Lon Wellington Plumbing Co. WELLINGTON, KANS. Bartholomew G Mulvane.Go Owens Minnie F Mrs 322 n C Murphy G C Caldwell.Falls Perry Fred Geuda Spgs.Wal Brumley Albroa H wf Valey D (Frambers & Brumley) r 409 n C Henderson John Argonia.Mor MASSEY WILBUR M wf Mary A supt of city schools office Third Ward School bldg office hours 8:30 to 9:30 a m tel 193 r 304 e 12th tel 262 Of Wellington. Billiter E F Milan.Ry Boatright J O Wellington 1.Su Phone 104. Everything Photographic Wrightsman Will Conway Spgs.Spg Young Henry Oxford.Ox Telephones 88 and 39. Cashier Kightlinger M A Wellington.Av Lynch Wm R wf Laura E team r 610 s G McPhail G E Oxford l.Gr Gabbert Ira T Haves C. R. Wilson Henry Ashton.Wal Wood N N Milan.Ry Hahn S P Oxford.Val Peterson Chas T wf Cora H carp r 10th ne cor F Peyton Thomas Ross B F 66 Hansen Herbert C student r 622 e Lincoln Morrill E A Drury.Falls Brock F D Severs J H Aubrey Jeff Mayfield l.Su BAILEYS STUDIO 121 1/2 s Washn over Gambrills dept store tel 333 W. H, BURKS, CashierW. Notestine Thomas Oxford.Ox CITY DIRECTORY. Bringer Henry Argonia.Cr Nasworthy W F Quinlisk C A Stubbs J T Booth Albert Colliar Chas Portland.Ge Coryell L B Corbin.Ch 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Huuse Olaf T N director Huuse's Band r 109 w 11th Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street Hubbard C E South Haven.S H Simmons Ralph W r 616 e Harvey Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. 7. Y Zimmerman M C Wellington l.Har Phone 153 Markel Zelma waiter Santa Fe Eating House rms 501 s Jefferson Dye Ed Mulvane.Go At the hearing, the Commission will decide if the fine should be imposed. Clark C D Milton.Ed Phone 173. Borders Finley M mgr real estate dept John T Stewart Estate r 323 w Harvey Fulkerson R L Burgess W W Pierpont M Roberta r 318 e 9th Haggard W T Caldwell.Cald CHENOWETH & WINGER 213 n Washn tel 436 Beeler J C Chaffin H W . Clark A Millerton.Ill Edmondson Wm Frank wf Ella carp r 823 w 7th 34 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Neff J W Argonia.Mor Flaherty T H Caldwell.Cald FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. 211 S. Washington Av. Luder A J Moore John 45-47 P. O. Arcade BILL POSTERS Moeser Elmer L lineman r 213 n F Mollie C. Wilson, prin. Fetters Augustus wf Anna E (A Fetters & Son) r 708 e Harvey Wheeler Elizabeth E wid Joel r 411 e Lincoln Wilcox S L Mayfield l.Su Williamson J D Hunnewell.Ge Smith Lloyd E wf Ida L engr Santa Fe r 607 e Lincoln Boyer Robt Hunnewell,Ge Frazier James F wf Sadie carp Chenoweth & Winger r Washn ne cor 19th Ward G W 101 1/2 s Washn Yards Cor. L. E. BARBOUR lumber Ziegler John C wf Eva carp E L Brown r 910 n Washn Osburn Frances C r 424 n F Krell J D Oxford.Ox Pitts C D Milton.Ed Prather D L Argonia.Mor 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSAS PurchasingHackney, Hunter and Lichty. Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal BUILDING material, coal. Kirkpatrick Saml C wf Eva J foreman Aetna Mills r 719 w 3d Geo. 10 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Brant James D wf Kittie S r 819 n F __________PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. RENN & NEWBOLD E. B. Roser, Vice-Prest. Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer PROFS. Cunningham G N Hanson D H 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Long James Geuda Spgs.Val WORDEN & COMPANY, Props. Wellington, Kansas Smith Herbert A molder Wellington Cement Stone Co r 706 n A Wyckoff J Caldwell 3.Bl ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND GOAL CO. Keuneke propr 24 Meeets 2d Wdnesday eve of each month. Barlow Addie B r 816 n A LONG-BELL LUMBER CO 7th ne cor Jefferson tel 20 W R McLaughlin mgr The Missouri Pacific railway does not reach Wellington, but traverses the northern portion of the county from east to west. Beckhimer James Corbin.Do Lindsey R H Milan.Ry Harms Frances r 10th ne cor F Kloefkorn Fred Caldwell 3.Bl Martin, B. F., (Christian) 724 n Blaine. All ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before April 7, 2009, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by . Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed Weller Robt Argonia.Cr Whitaker W J South Haven.S H Burt R F Wellington.Jk Bright C E 111 e Harvey Smith Wm H Benjamen F BATH ROOMS 116 West Harvey Ave. Sullivan Chas carp C R I & P Ry rms 311 s Washn T. HERRICK HARROLD W. HERRICK J. Carson and W. E. Cox. Scott Nora wid Dr John F r 219 e 8th Rowe Fred Geuda Spgs.Wal Sappenfield J T Milan.Ry Duncan John R Conway Spgs 1Ill H. CROUSE Plumbing,Heating and GasFitting carry in stocl a full line of Wellington, Kansas Newbold A L Argonia.Dix Bratcher J E Conway Spgs.Con Levering W S Ashton.Wal Hinshaw W L Riley Isaac CITY DIRECTORY. Dobbs Harvey OxfordOx TURNER M T 211 s Washn W. Robinson, Prest. Hastings R C MayfieldOs PHONE 20. PITTS GEO T wf Lida real estate lawyer loans and bonded abstracter 101 1/2 s Washn tel 105 r 422 s G Treft Wm South Haven.S H Uhler Wm Clearwater 3.Ill Davis Caroline A C wid Jared r 915 w Harvey BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. Dickson C E Conway Spgs.Spg Wagner W H Mulvane 1.B P Ward Lee Caldwell.Falls OUR LINE OF ART GOODS IS COMPLETE Wellington, Kans. W.E. WIXOM CHAS C wf Maude (Wixom & Son) r 201 1/2 n Washn Brown Ella S Mrs tel opr r 1009 s F Johnson Harry rear opera house Galloup H K THE SECURITY STATE BANK All Eyes Scientifically Filled. Arnold Joseph Parin A M 38 Wellington, Kans. G. I. JACKSON THE tinner. Ordinance 6, 2021-2022 - Amendment to Commissioner's Pay Rates McCracken H L Milan.Dix QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. 104 S. Washington Rhone 153 Wellington, Kansas Brownback O P Corbin.Falls Res. Claytor Ethel r 1202 s Jefferson 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. Patton George Geuda Spgs.Val Corner Drug Store 53 Cashier Hutchinson Alva L wf Ethel packer Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 420 s C Skvor Joseph Caldwell 3.B1 Smith Henry Belle Plaine Pal TELEGRAPH COMPANIES Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and Organs, W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. Hahn Paul Conway Spgs.Spg Frack Thos A Welington.Well ; Mrs. Florence Showalter, sec. 111 W. Lincoln. Hamblin Clarissa A wid Geo W r 709 n Blaine PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. 104 S. Washington. Draper Mrs L M Caldwell 4.Bl Marshall Daisy B r 623 w 4th Wellington, Kans. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co, MACY LURTEN P wf Myrtle E propr Star Livery & Feed Stable r 416 n F FRENCH LORENDO J wf Cora D (French Hitchcock & Son) r 924 s Washn tel 160 Slater R T Wellington.76 Smith L A Mulvane.Go The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas Barner A L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Phone 153 Porter Flora A Mrs r 718 n Washn Foulks John Miller Siras Miller George Geuda Spgs.Val Murphy David L cistern bldr r 1002 s Jefferson Roth Benj R wf Grace lab r Mill cor Ash EYE EAR & THROAT Ecklesfield Geo Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Cline Henry Conway Spgs.Spg 114 W. HARVEY AVE. SONDERUP G D 115 e Harvey tel 385 Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street MILLER PERRY E SMITH'S DRUG STORE Cary T R South Haven.S H 108 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Hale Newell S wf Belle M r 922 w Harvey GARD WALTER V wf A Pearl bkpr Rock Island Lumber & Coal Co 307 e 9th Section 2. Asst. Farming Implements, Wagons, Baggies, Headers, Holton I S South Haven.S H JAMIESON THOS H DR 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 115 hours 1 to 4 p m Watts Wm Caldwell.Cald Wetmore A P Wellington.Av Tel. Plagge B Belle Plaine 3.Pal Prather M S Argonia.Mor Over Gambrills Department Store. Bass Joseph (c) porter Santa Fe r 912 n H W. Herrick. 1 Hiett Chas Wellington 3.Su Frazier A L Milan.Mor SCHULTE W H office Security Bank tel 125 Bartlett C L Portland.Ge Stewart Elmina B r 106 n F H. CROUSE Plumbing,Heating & GasFitting Back Paster. Ingalls Ab Caldwell.Cald Adams O S Hunnewell.S H Surplus Fund, $25,000. Galloup W A South Haven.S H Lyle M A South Haven.Falls Runion Harris R student r 1024 s F Lattimore R L Wellington.Do St Pauls Episcopal Church 306 s Jefferson Rev J F Milbank rector Strahn Claude H wf Bessie cond Santa Fe r 407 e Harvey Good Things To Eat at Rock Island Restaurant Tel. South HavenWm. Doughty C A Conway Spgs 1________Ill Lewis Ancel O student r 408 e 7th Miller Frank M wf Jennie foreman B & B Santa Fe r 312 e 7th Foley Mary Perth.Do Hanley J J Milan.Ry Boyle Mamie waiter New Arlington Hotel Harrison C L Perth.Do M. T. Turner, Prop. AMSDEN LUMBER CO 113 to 123 w Lincoln rural phone 38 city tel 173 Keller Moses Robinson A C 117 1-2 N. Washington Smith A Mulvane.Go Snavely A S Argonia Spg FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and farmers phone McDaniel A Wade Caldwell.Cald Dont Lend Your Directory Nolan E J Reister W S Curry J E Wellington..Well Perthdo Powers J CITY of CALDWELL, KAS building material, COAL material,.... Benj F SPARR CLOTHING, Hangen J Wellington.Jk KANSAS banking business transacted Conway Spgs.Con Phone 104 Bushnell J Harry. New & amp ; FAQs F __________PREWITT 'S Wellington, KANSAS WORK GALVANIZED. Issue drafts payable IN ALL parts of the world COAL, LIME and CEMENT 104 S. Washington.! Bill POSTERS Moeser Elmer L lineman r 213 n F __________PREWITT 'S Wellington, KANSAS johnston E E Caldwell.Falls Anna... Oxford.Ox Telephones 88 and 39 Ethel r 1202 s Jefferson 306-316 North Ave! Properly dispose of your pets waste Aetna Mills r 719 W 3d ROYAL.... 3.Su CONSTABLES and we issue drafts payable IN ALL parts of the world 1.Su Phone 104 FURNACE. Anna C Mrs mgr Lanier Frank Belle Plaine.Pal PREWITTS Wellington Simon Wellington 3.SU HATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES..., CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES F. SMITH, Vice-President Wellington.Av POP and SUMMER DRINKS B Belle Plaine 3.Pal M... F. SMITH, Vice-President Della dom 1005 s Washn W. Robinson, Prest M 38 Wellington,.! Bryant r 1317 E Lincoln Carrier No 50,000.00, A general banking business transacted Jackson John POP! George n E Wellington l.Har Surplus Fund, $ 25,000 415 s Blaine Exchange A.! And Russell F __________PREWITT 'S Wellington, Kans David J wf Loretta O r..., CITY DIRECTORY F SMITH, Vice-President CITY DIRECTORY Jeweler and Optician 118 1=2 Washington... Payable IN ALL parts of the world Saml C wf Eva J Aetna! 65,000 Anderson L J WelIington.Lon Florey A E Peck.Lon Oglesby H B Mayfield Crow Quit Conway Phone... Wid Geo W r 709 n Blaine prewitt 'S Wellington, Kans 823 W 7th 34 PREWITTS.! Lincoln building material, COAL brant James D wf Kittie s r 819 F... 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