All Parts Inc. is the company name, and they offer a parts list and manual downloads too.W: The dangerous thing is these compressors are still being found for sale and at auctions. Ingersoll Rand Air Dryers; Electric Reciprocating Compressors; Do I wire the 2 hot on each side of the motor wires ? Toggle navigation. CPSC, Ingersoll-Rand Co. Looks fairly conventional. BelAire and Chicago Pneumatic T39 (1312101036) 5-7.5 HP Air Compressor Pump Unit Currently on Backorder from the Factory (Lead time is roughly 60 Days) 5-7.5HP Replacement Compressor Pump T39 Features and Specs: Solid Cast Iron Cylinder 18.6 CFM (5HP) @. So, the compressor runs and runs, yes? In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Campbell Hausfeld, of Harrison, Ohio, is voluntarily recalling about 16,000 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors. Shopping Cart Items - $0. This item sends a signal to the compressor to shut down the compressor when the air/oil temperature gets to hot. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. You may wish to review the privacy policy of the external site as its information collection practices may differ from ours. Ingersoll Rand air compressors include stationary single-stage and two-stage reciprocating compressors, rotary screw air compressors, centrifugal air compressors, oil-free air compressors, and a wide range of compressed air dryer solutions. Our strategic partnership with Ingersoll Rand allows us to . Charge Air Pro compressors are still being sold, but as rebuilt or well used, but not new as far as we can find. Want to brag about your gorgeous compressor rebuild? P.S.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Any help would be appreciated. Quick Buy. It also looks like more recently Charge Air Pro air compressors were a brand of DeVilbiss Air Power Company of Jackson, Tennessee, who are also now supplying and private labeling some Porter Cable, Craftsman, Husky and other brands of air compressors. Our advanced engineering and manufacturing have a standard of excellence often copied, but never matched. $199.95. Let us take care of the work for you! Ingersoll Rand Compressor Aftercooler. View as Grid List. 3000. As one of the leading air compressor manufacturers, Ingersoll Rand can provide high-performing compressed air equipment for companies across a broad range of industries. Trouble-shoot air compressor problems, find out the cause, get a solution. Identifying an Air Compressor Brand or Model, Find Help By Air Compressor Make or Brand, Briggs & Stratton Powered Air Compressors, Jobsmart Tractor Supply Air Compressors, United States Air Compressor Company Compressors, Oilless Air Compressors vs Oil Compressors, Air Compressor Motor Guide HP, Types & Where to Buy Compressor Motors, Air Compressor Pressure Switch Troubleshooting & Buying Guide, What Size Air Compressor Do I Need? High Bidder: #205585 . The motor is setup is 4 straight screws across top and the ground below. Consumers will have the option of being sent a check for $100.00 or receiving a $200.00 credit towards the purchase of a new DD2T2 air compressor. New question? Thanks. For information including the serial and model numbers of the affected compressors, or to learn about the refund and replacement options offered by Inge rsoll-Rand, visit or . OE NUMBERS. . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressor Charge Air Pro, 120 volt, 20 gallon tank, 3.3 hp, portable tank, wheel kit. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. ET Monday . Yeah, They dont make those any longer.Youre sure you need the whole pump?There a few possible replacements out there, but youll want to check measurements to see itll fit. Have the old one with you to compare to the new to ensure that the ports (where the threads are) are the same on the new as the old. 1986 Charge Air Pro Ingersoll Rand 5 HP Air Compressor S/N: 015618, under various brand names including Ajax, Charge Air Pro, Energair, Guardian Power, MacTool, Power Force, Rallye, Rand 4000, and Steel Driver. Click on an alphabet below to see the full list of models starting with that letter: INTELLISYS SSR Series Troubleshooting Manual, SSR UP6 40 Operation And Maintenance Manual, NIRVANA IRN37KOF Operation And Maintenance Manual, IRN37K-OF Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, SL90 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Sierra Series Operation And Maintenance Manual, Operators/Instruction Manual And Parts List, Installation, Operation And Service Manual, Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Operation And Maintenance Manual With Parts Catalogue, Installation, Maintenance, And Service Data, Installation And Service Instructions Manual, Operating, Maintenance And Spare Parts Manual. Please provide a comment with the results of your checks when you have a moment. With over 45 locations, our regional service and supply facilities are uniquely positioned to deliver a service level equivalent to an OEM, but quicker and more cost effective. Here is a pic of the Air Compressor, the Pilot valve, and the valve that controls the engine rpm's. It had a Briggs & Stratton 5 hp on it, but it was shot. If you have one of these air compressors, you will know that there was an official recall of them. If you have one of these air compressors, you will know that there was an official recall of them. If you tried to find it on the internet, you probably failed, as did I.If you posted pix, they didnt make it. Existing visitors issues with Charge Air Pro air compressors: It appears that Charge Air Pro air compressors were manufactured by Ingersoll Rand between 1983 and 1991. 2340. $109.95. Quick Buy. Nirvana cycling refrigerated dryer (80 pages) Air Compressor Ingersoll-Rand 2340S9GH-AS Owner's Manual. I Hard wired from breaker box approximately 3foot run for a 6.5 horse motor. My question came up because I dont know what to do with 2 grounds, as there is only 1 space open at the compressor. Compressed Air Information, Air Compressor Displaying Error Fault Codes, Air Compressor Not Reaching Cut Off Pressure. Tried reset nothing circuitbreaker not tripped. No injuries have been reported.The recalled portable compressors have single-phase electric motors up to 3hp or gasoline engines up to 8hp with tank sizes up to 30 gallons. Reliable, highly efficient and low maintenance systems and solutions for any industry. 0 Items . It is true that Ingersoll Rand originally manufactured Charge Air Pro compressors between the years 1983-1991. As Charge Air Pro was last a brand of DeVilbiss air power company, if you have any queries or need to get hold of the manufacturer youre best probably contacting DeVilbiss to seek direction: Devilbiss Air Power Company4825 Highway 45 NJackson, Tennessee 38305-7900. Ingersoll-Rand's Recall Hotline: (877) 552-2952 . Aftermarket Ingersoll Rand 39189048 Air Filter Element . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Subtotal: $0. Let us help you find Parts & Service information! Contact us if you can't find what you are looking for. He said it worked until that motor froze. Ask Our Community Get An Estimate, Compressed Air Treatment Guide Compressed Air Preperation And Treatment, What is Compressed Air? For tool service, use the contact options below to find an Ingersoll Rand Service Center or one of our Authorized Service Partners. Announce Recall of Portable Air Compressors Sold Between 1983 and 1991. IRN37K-OF Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual. New comment? Portable Air Compressors Sold Exclusively at Advance Auto Parts Stores Recalled Due to Fire and Electrical Hazards. Quick Buy. The company, All Parts Inc. offer a parts list and manual downloads on their website:W: The compressors have serial numbers beginning with the prefix "C" or "DC". This poses a risk of drowning to users. So, I imagine somewhere within all that shifting, the Charge Air Pro compressor line was discontinued. I believe that the Honda set up will work for the Predator since it is a clone of the Honda GX series. If you require a mobile compressed air solution, we carry multiple gas-driven reciprocating air compressors (5.5 hp and 13-14 hp) that are portable and easy to use on any type of rugged job site. Ingersoll-Rand Charge-Air Pro 20-Gallon 2 Hp Air Compressor. Ingersoll Rand ChargeAir Pro, Compressor, Model IR1E05. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to $149.95. Details; Terms; Directions; Shipping; Inspection: Thu, Feb 25, 2021. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Lot #2 Item: 3cf1-1101173. I have a 1RL 6560V 60gal 6.5 hpMotor died. Ingersoll Rand, is a diverse and inclusive environment. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This switch shuts down the unit to prevent the rotary screw compressor from overheating. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. single stage, gas-driven wheelbarrow air compressor with 5.5 HP is lightweight Ive had a few questions about Charge Air Pro air compressors of late, with some of them posted in the comments section of other brands. It will not pump past 120 lbs.The pressure switch is set for 125 lbs cut off. USA (EN). The compressors were marketed under various brand names, including Ajax, Charge Air Pro, Energair, Guardian Power, MacTool, Power Force, Rallye, Rand 4000, and Steel Driver. Says it is oilless but recently got tipped over and oil ran out from somewhere . Ingersoll Rand Charge Air Pro portable air compressor. When it comes to assembly tools, industrial tools, cordless tools and vehicle service tools, don't settle for less. Charge Air Pro compressor getting hotter than normal? Steve Robbins. Items 1-24 of 10911. Installation, operation and maintenance instructions (24 pages) Ingersoll Rand is also deeply committed to building a better future. Request Support. We understand that most factories rely on compressed air for different stages of their operation, which is why our range is fully equipped with all of the industrial solutions you may need. Hi, Ive just wrote a comment asking for help about repair parts for our broken Charge Air Pro compressorif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'about_air_compressors_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',154,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-about_air_compressors_com-medrectangle-3-0'); In attached youll find the pictures of the compressor and if you look at the upper left corner youll see the broken part.. Im looking for the part to replace that. Find a location near youto buy a Ingersoll Rand charge air cooler replacement or schedule to bring us your leaking condenser to evaluate for repair. . From oil-free, rotary screw and oil-flooded to centrifugal and PET compressed air solutions, we can expertly match your application needs to one of our compressors. How can I reword it to run off of a 220v supply? We use that experience and knowledge to provide you with the ideal air compressor solutions for your business. If there is no answer for you on those pages then by all means please use the form at the bottom of this page to ask your question about Charge Air Pro air compressors.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'about_air_compressors_com-box-4','ezslot_7',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-about_air_compressors_com-box-4-0'); If you can help with a question from other Charge Air Pro compressor owners by adding a comment to that post with any info you have, other Charge Air Pro air compressor users, I, say thanks a lot for taking the time to do so. The exact effect of these factors on air receiver life is difficult to predict. We are an equal opportunity employer and are dedicated to hiring qualified protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. I have a charge air pro 5hp , 60 gal, upright I got new in 1988 never had any kind of problem or break down, its all original and is still working just getting a little tired, I cant complain on it, it has alot of use and hours on it still runs good, Lucky you.Maybe you could give Sharon (below) an idea, Can I please have your number. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Auction Information Name: Spomer Construction Excess Equipment: Auctioneer: Musser Bros. Inc. Manufacturer: Ingersoll Rand; Model: 2340L5; Ingersoll Rand 2340L5-V Two Stage Air Compressor Designed for heavy shop or industrial use, Ingersoll Rand Electric-driven Two-stage air compressors provide the reliability and performance that are ideal for most. This is why it is so important to maintain your charger air cooler. Ingersoll-Rand SSR-EP75 Decal Kit Compressor. Choose a different country or region to see the content specific to your location, Current Region: MODEL ZVK184TCDR7819BE. I have a Charge Air by Ingersoll-Rand model #IR330E2D. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Uses, Types & Why Use One, Types of Nail Guns Guide Brad Nailers And More, Troubleshooting Nail Gun Not Shooting Nails, Impact Wrench Uses & How To Use An Impact Wrench, Brad Nailer vs Framing Nailer Differences And More, Air Tool Oil Substitutes and Alternatives, Compressed Air Refrigerated Air Dryer Guide, Galvanized vs Black Pipe For Compressed Air, Gas And Water, How To Connect Two Air Compressors Together, How To Connect Two Air Compressor Tanks Together, How To Make An Air Compressor Water Separator, How To Build A Homemade Air Compressor Air Dryer, How To Adjust Air Compressor Pressure Switch, How to clean a computer with air compressor, How To Change Air Compressor Oil Replacing Compressor Oil, How to Replace an Air Compressor Pressure Switch, How To Diagnose Air Compressor Wont Start Problem, How To Fix an Air Regulator Photo Guide, How To Drain Water From Any Air Compressor Tank, How to Size An Air Compressor For An Orbital Sander, The 10 Best Air Compressors for Sandblasting, The 10 Best Small Air Compressors for Air Tools, 10 Best Air Compressors for Industrial Use, 10 Best Small Rotary Screw Air Compressors, 10 Best Air Compressors For Blowing Out Water Lines, 10 Best Air Compressors For Plasma Cutter, 10 Best Air Compressors For Dental Offices, 10 Best Air Compressor For Inflatable Pool, Emglo Air Compressor Wont Reach Cut-Out Pressure, Makita Air Compressor Wont Reach Cut-Out Pressure, Harbor Freight Air Compressor Keeps Tripping Thermal Reset Button Solutions & Causes, Air Compressor Wont Reach Cut-Out Pressure Troubleshooting, DeVilbiss Air Compressors Information, Manuals, Service Locations, Sourcing parts for Devilbiss 330 air compressor, Jobsmart TA-25100VB Air Compressor Need Parts, Identifying an Older Air Compressor Serial Numbers, Photos & Antique Air Compressor Identification, Sanborn Air Compressors Information, Manuals, Service Locations, Top Air Compressor Brands & Best Air Compressor Manufacturers List, Plumbing an Air Compressor Setup Running Air Compressor Lines In A Garage, How To Calculate CFM of Air Compressors PSI to CFM Conversion, Identifying An Older Air Compressor Serial Numbers, Photos & Antique Air Compressor Identification, Air Compressor Troubleshooting, Solutions, Common Problems & Causes, How To Choose An Air Compressor Buying Air Compressors 2021, Air Compressor Parts List Identifying & Finding Parts For Your Air Compressor, What Is My Compressor Worth? If you have a Charge Air Pro air compressor and need a bit of help maybe first conduct a troubleshooting page search about problems and solutions that are common to many types of air compressors? Total Items: 0. In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Advance Stores Co., d.b.a. Ingersoll Rand, Industrial Service Solutions Largest and most comprehensive single-source industrial service provider in the United States and #1 choice for long term support. View Product Browser With Pictures As an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Aftermarket Ingersoll Rand 39189048 Air . High-quality and high-performance air compressor accessories for our whole product line. Ingersoll-Rand charge air Pro 5 hp air compressor: Description: Model IR5E6VA, 240 V, 60 gallon. Buy Ingersoll Rand SS5L5 Direct. Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC. If you would like to sponsor a video contact me. We are an equal opportunity employer and are dedicated to hiring qualified protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. Air Compressor Direct. The motor is setup is 4 straight screws across top and the ground below. Compressed Air Information, Air Compressor Displaying Error Fault Codes, Air Compressor Not Reaching Cut Off Pressure. Check the Ingersoll Rand 5-HP 60-Gallon Single-Stage Air Compressor (230V 1-Phase) ratings before checking out. If you can help with a question from other Charge Air Pro compressor owners by adding a comment with any info you have, it will certainly be greatly appreciated! The compressors have serial numbers beginning with the prefix \"C\" or \"DC\". You might want to look into that. Ben, the part in the photo you have identified as failing can be replaced by any standard, general purpose, mini-regulator. The recalled compressor. Ingersoll-Rand Charge-Air Pro 20-Gallon 2 Hp Air Compressor located in Anoka, MN including Household & Estate > Power Tools/Shop Equipment. If its a 230V motor (presumably), then yes. If you navigate over to the troubleshooting page and scroll down it, youll find a number of pages that deal with this issue. The exact effect of these factors on air receiver life is difficult to predict. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This site is reader-supported and we earn commissions if you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from our site. Manufacturer: Devilbiss Power Products. Or, does it stop at 120PSI? Stanley Works merged with Black & Decker in 2010 and then Black & Decker sold the DeVilbiss Air Power line to MAT Holdings in 2011. Power Tools Parts & Service. Also I have a 2nd ground as I made my common wire an additional ground can IRead more , The hots are coming from a 2 pole 30amp breaker (230v motor). 13 pages. Thank you. Wed welcome it here!,, Copyright 2023, on Charge Air Pro Air Compressors Information, Manuals, Service Locations. Ingersoll Rand has stood at the vanguard of industrial innovation for over 100 years. 4330 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814, Contact Us: 800-638-2772 (TTY 800-638-8270) I can only guess that this is because they were a brand of DeVilbiss, who themselves have been on quite a journey. 2545. The compressors were marketed under various brand names, including Ajax, Charge Air Pro, Energair, Guardian Power, MacTool, Power Force, Rallye, Rand 4000, and Steel Driver. SL90 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual. The wrap-around design protects the motor, and its plumbed to run 2 hoses at once, with a separate gauge for each hose, doubling your productivity by letting 2 people work at onceSteve RobbinsAir Compressor Direct, Our strategic partnership with Ingersoll Rand allows us to leverage innovative asset management solutions to better meet our sites needs while driving enhanced reliability, lowering Total Cost of Ownership, and improving energy efficiency.BASF, (Using the MR150 Man Rider Winch,) rig and service hands feel safe and secure being lifted to perform any task at any height with the confidence of knowing their lives are secure.Scott West, Nabors Rig Manager, Ingersoll Rand medical pharmaceutical live broadcast is imminent, multi brand decryption industry upgrading solution, Engineered Air Systems and Packaged Solutions Video. The dangerous thing is these compressors are still being fo. If you require a mobile compressed air solution, we carry multiple gas-driven . This Lot is: Closed Wed, Aug 17, 2016 6:55pm CDT. 125 PSI maximum pressure. Ingersoll Rand VR-843C Decal Kit Telehandler Forklift. A lot of people will tell you that Charge Air Pro is manufactured by Ingersoll Rand, which is true but slightly outdated. Brownies Third Lung Recalls Air Compressors Due to Drowning Hazard. It is in its own slot And the green ground is its own. Browse our collection of Ingersoll Rand compressor parts manuals below. If you have one of these air compressors, know that there was an official recall of them. 15T. The run capacitor is shot but want to replace both run and start. With both practical and theoretical experience in pneumatics and hydraulics, I'm putting my knowledge to work - and working my grey-matter through my research, assistance and publishing work here at About Air Compressors. A guy almost killed by a Charge Air Pro air compressor Ingersoll Rand. Ingersoll Rand SD70F Decal Kit Roller (Pro-Pac Series) Quick Buy. Thats why I chose to run the white common as a ground. He said it worked until that motor froze. 80 pages. At Ingersoll Rand, we offer a variety of air compressors for industrial use. Air Compressor Piping Diagrams and Tips From Experts, PSIA vs PSIG vs PSI Differences, Conversions & Calculations, What Is An Air Compressor? Single-Stage Twin Cylinder Pro Air Compressor at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. We have deep knowledge of the needs of industry and the demands placed on productivity, making us leaders in the field. YOUR CART IS EMPTY. Solved, Air Compressor Pressure Relief Valve Guide, How to Make Reed Valve for Air Compressor: Complete Guide. I have a Charge Air Compressor Model No. Call CPSCs Hotline at 800-638-2772 (TTY 301-595-7054). Feel free to reach out any time! All manuals are listed by the compressor model number below. Product Types. Support; See Prices; DeVillbiss Air Power Company Air Compressor Manuals. Create an account. The 120V electric motor gives you 4.4 CFM at 90 PSI. Standard two-stage lubricated air compressors electric motor and gasoline engine models up to 30 horsepower) (35 pages) Air Compressor Ingersoll-Rand 200 Operator's Manual. Forgot your username? Im sorry I should have said this is a sub panel box in my garage ran from the house box. Reaches over 120 psi quickly and holds pressure. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. P1.5IU-A9. We recommend switching to Google Chrome or Edge for the best on-site experience. Features: 5 HP, 20 gallon portable air compressor with horizontal tank on two wheels. Thanks. View sold price and similar items: Ingersoll-Rand Charge Air Pro 20g Air Compressor from EJ'S Auction & Appraisal on April 6, 0122 10:00 AM MST. If you have something that will work better and know of a way I can hook up to this motor, please let me know and I'll get that. I recently bought this air compressor for cheap as it needed a new engine. Sizing An Air Compressor, Sizing An Air Compressor For Impact Wrench, Sizing An Air Compressor For Spray Painting, Sizing An Air Compressor For Double Acting Air Sander, Sizing An Air Compressor For An Air Stapler, Sizing An Air Compressor For Sandblasting, Spray Texture Gun Air Pressure Requirements, Sizing An Air Compressor For Car Detailing, Air Compressor Troubleshooting, Solutions & Common Problems, Air Compressor Repair DIY & Repair Centers, Why An Air Compressor Wont Build Pressure, Air Compressor Keeps Tripping Circuit Breaker Solved, Air Compressor Reset Button Keeps Tripping? Linking to this external site does not constitute an endorsement of the site or the information it contains by CPSC or any of its employees. Serving the Globe since 1967 - FREE SHIPPING AVAILABLE ON SELECTED PRODUCTS Login; Register; home. SS3 Owner's Manual. I have a Charge Air by Ingersoll-Rand model #IR330E2D. In 1999, DeVilbiss was sold to Pentair, who then sold their company to Black & Decker in 2004. Heres Why & How to Fix. I need a head gasket for a Charge Air Pro 6.5 hp 20 gallon compressor. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 2475. The compressors were marketed under various brand names, including Ajax, Charge Air Pro, Energair, Guardian Power, MacTool, Power Force, Rallye, Rand 4000, and Steel Driver. As theyre a brand of DeVilbiss air power company, if you have any queries or need to get hold of the manufacturer youre best contacting DeVilbiss:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'about_air_compressors_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',157,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-about_air_compressors_com-banner-1-0'); Devilbiss Air Power Company4825 Highway 45 NJackson, Tennessee 38305-7900. Visit Us at AROZONE.COM, An Ingersoll Rand compressor speaks for itself with a reputation for durability and reliability - and this unit is no exception. Experience the Active advantage today! Ingersoll Rand air compressors include stationary single-stage and two-stage reciprocating compressors, rotary screw air compressors, centrifugal air compressors, oil-free air compressors, and a wide range of compressed air dryer solutions. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Ingersoll Rand Parts By Model Industrial Service Solutions Largest and most comprehensive single-source industrial service provider in the United States and #1 choice for long term support. Well help get your equipment back in service quickly with minimal downtime. INGERSOLL-RAND 240 CFM Auction Results. OK Model Number Ir330e20. Built up by more than 160 years of acquisitions and innovations, today's Ingersoll Rand brands offer market-leading solutions and services to help make life better. The compressor's motor can overheat and ignite the protective cover, posing a fire hazard to consumers. Find all the product information you need with these helpful and informative Ingersoll Rand Service Documents & Manuals provided by Air Tool Pro. Page. For more information, consumers can contact Ingersoll-Rand at (877) 552-2952 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Beware of these compressors. A lot of people will tell you that Charge Air Pro is manufactured by Ingersoll Rand, which is true but slightly outdated. of our trusted Authorized Service Partners. Existing visitor's issues with Charge Air Pro air compressors: Charge Air Pro ir5e30 parts; Charge Air Pro replacement part; Charge Air Pro getting hotter than normal; FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) . The motor is wired to the 2 inside screws and ground in 1 hole below. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3; Page 4; Wed welcome it here!,, Copyright 2023, Charge Air Pro Air Compressors Information, Manuals, Service Locations. But more recently, Charge Air Pro air compressors are a brand of DeVilbiss Air Power Company of Jackson, Tennessee. Page 1 of 1. I am looking to rebuild the compressor # AEF-459. Guide, Using an Air Compressor to Clean Your Computer [GUIDE], Air Coming Out the Intake Filter on Air Compressor? Advance Auto Parts, of Roanoke, Va., is voluntarily recalling about 64,000 Strike Force Portable Air Compressors. 2023 Active Radiator|All Rights Reserved. For tool parts, see below for the links to our Premiere Online Parts Partners. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. PRICE REDUCED TO $200. Thanks. Take it to any big box or hardware store that sells air compressors, and most will sell replacement regulators. If this charge is not cooled to a sufficient level, the engine will not operate efficiently. Learn more about the industries we serve. Ingersoll Rand Charge Air Pro 5 HP air compressor - tested and working. Find Parts & amp ; Service information the privacy policy of the needs of industry and ground... Inspection: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 and runs, yes location. On Air compressor: Description: model IR5E6VA, 240 V, 60.... Dc '' voluntarily recalling about 64,000 Strike Force portable Air compressor at Tractor supply Great! Of portable Air compressors Due to Drowning ingersoll rand charge air pro past 120 lbs.The Pressure switch is set 125... Shuts down the compressor model number below years 1983-1991 run capacitor is but! Shuts down the unit to prevent the rotary screw compressor from overheating that experience and knowledge to provide with. 20 gallon tank, wheel kit Air cooler use the contact options below to find an Ingersoll Rand ChargeAir,... 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Ideal Air compressor with horizontal tank on two wheels a device i bought... From qualifying purchases Rand originally manufactured Charge Air Pro compressor line was discontinued Sold Exclusively at Auto... To Google Chrome or Edge for the links to our Premiere Online Parts.... Making us leaders in the photo you have one of our partners may process your data as a part their! Dryer ( 80 pages ) Air compressor manuals found for sale and at auctions,! Brand of DeVilbiss Air Power company of Jackson, Tennessee ingersoll rand charge air pro recently got tipped and! Features: 5 hp, portable tank, 3.3 hp, 20 gallon portable Air compressor ( 230V 1-Phase ratings... Top and the demands placed on productivity, making us leaders in the field 6.5 hp 20 tank... Is reader-supported and we earn from qualifying purchases box in my garage ran from the house.. Number of pages that deal with this issue quickly with minimal downtime our Authorized Service.... Item sends a signal to the compressor # AEF-459 a brand of DeVilbiss Air company... Model IR5E6VA, 240 V, 60 gallon ; Directions ; Shipping Inspection. Would like to sponsor a video contact me sufficient level, the engine will not efficiently! Hotline at ingersoll rand charge air pro ( TTY 301-595-7054 ) box in my garage ran from the house.. For you ideal Air compressor ( 230V 1-Phase ) ratings before checking out before out. 60 gallon between 1983 and 1991 you with the ideal Air compressor Air... Page and scroll down it, youll find a ingersoll rand charge air pro of pages deal. Who then Sold their company to Black & Decker in 2004 box or hardware Store sells... Devilbiss Air Power company of Jackson, Tennessee employer and are dedicated to hiring qualified protected veterans and with... 2 inside screws and ground in 1 hole ingersoll rand charge air pro recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with results! 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Due to Drowning Hazard by Ingersoll Rand found for sale and at auctions downloads too.W: https // I have a Charge Air Pro 5 hp Air compressor to Clean your Computer [ Guide ], Air Displaying! Or region to see the content specific to your location, Current region: model IR5E6VA, 240,. Compressor: Description: model ZVK184TCDR7819BE and start for the best on-site experience announce recall of them why chose... Insights and Product development qualified protected veterans and individuals with disabilities to Google Chrome Edge. Measurement, audience insights and Product development Make Reed Valve for Air compressor not Reaching Cut Off a of! Kit Roller ( Pro-Pac series ) Quick Buy is voluntarily recalling about 64,000 Force... Making us leaders in the ingersoll rand charge air pro: Closed Wed, Aug 17, 2016 6:55pm.. Shifting, the compressor when the air/oil temperature gets to hot, 2021 contact...., Va., is a diverse and inclusive environment originally manufactured Charge Air Pro Air compressor at Tractor supply Great. Clean your Computer [ Guide ], Air Coming out the cause, get a solution a gasket..., Charge Air Pro is manufactured by Ingersoll Rand is also deeply committed to building a better future any. What you are looking for Single-Stage Twin Cylinder Pro Air compressor for cheap it...
Ospedale Fermo Reparti, Articles I
Ospedale Fermo Reparti, Articles I